Бишкекский Ресурсный Центр Фонда «Сорос-Кыргызстан» объявляет о презентации на тему «Магистратура за рубежом: Чем руководствоваться при выборе специальности. Как выбрать область изучения на магистратуру, чтобы были карьерные перспективы после окончания учебы. Как использовать свой опыт на магистратуре при подаче на работу». Язык презентации-русский.
Дата: 27 марта, 16.00
Место: Фонд «Сорос-Кыргызстан», конференц зал
Регистрация на презентацию по почте miminova@soros.kg
Гест-спикер: Стипендиат грантовой программы «Открытое Общество» — Лондон и Сент-Эндрюсского университета (University of St. Andrews) 2013-2014– Алтынай Мырзабекова.
In September 2014, Altynai graduated with Mlitt in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of St Andrews, United Kingdom. At present, Altynai is working with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, as Media Focal Point covering Western Ukraine.
Altynai Myrzabekova has more than three years of experience in journalism and peacebuilding on the local and international scale. Previously Altynai earned her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication at the AmericanUniversity of Central Asia (AUCA) in Kyrgyzstan. Altynai worked as a reporter for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting in Kyrgyzstan. She mainly focused on political transformations, interethnic conflict, border conflicts, and women’s rights issues. As a field manager for Oxus International, she contributed to conducting focus groups and trainings on community conflict and conflict mitigation in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan.
Altynai has international experience through interning with nonprofit organizations, such as SEEDSCommunityResolutionCenter and MettaMentorsCenter in Berkeley, USA, gaining extensive experience in restorative justice, community mediation, and court recommended mediations. She was awarded numerous fellowships, including scholarships from the U.S. Embassy in Kyrgyzstan to obtain a Bachelor’s degree from her home university, a joint scholarship from the University of St. Andrews and the Open Society Foundation to obtain a Master’s degree in the United Kingdom, Chevening Award to obtain a Master’s degree in the United Kingdom, the Hansen Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation at the University of San Diego, as well as the scholarship from the University of Oslo to obtain a professional training in Media Studies at the University of Oslo, Norway. Altynai has a strong passion for peacebuilding and journalism.