HIV Young Leaders Fund is happy to announce our Request for Proposals for youth-led initiatives working to address the needs and rights of young women affected by drug use and HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Eligibility and Criteria
Organizations in the following countries are eligible to apply: Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine. Applicants must be youth-led initiatives coordinated and governed by young people aged 30 years or younger. We support the following priority areas: advocacy, peer-based services to address gaps in current services and community mobilization. Proposals for peer-based services should have an advocacy or community mobilization component. All proposals must be for work addressing the needs and rights of young women affected by HIV and drug use. Initiatives led by young women affected by HIV and drug use will be prioritized.

Applicants can apply for up to $10,000 usd. For full guidelines and eligibility criteria, please see the attached Request for Proposals in English and Russian.
Applications may be submitted in: English and Russian.

To Apply
To apply, please fill out the attached Grant Application and Budget Template and submit to: Please email us if you have any questions about your application and we will do out best to assist you.

The deadline for all applications is March 1, 2012.
Grant Decisions
Grant decisions will be made through a regional Community Review Panel (CRP) composed of young leaders with experience in youth HIV issues in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. Grantees will have access to mentorship and support from HYLF and our partners.
Please help us spread the word about this opportunity!
Best wishes,
the HYLF Team

HYLF’s mission is to enable new leadership in the HIV response among young people most-affected by HIV, including young people living with HIV. HYLF’s Steering Committee selected EECA as one of HYLF’s priority regions for 2012. The following organizations sit on HYLF’s Steering Committee: Association of Positive Youth in Nigeria, Global Network of Sex Work Projects, Global Forum on MSM & HIV, Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Global Network of People Living with HIV, International Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network, World AIDS Campaign, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Y-PEER and Youth R.I.S.E. HYLF is a project of Tides Center.