Бишкекский Ресурсный Центр Фонда «Сорос-Кыргызстан» объявляет
о начале серий лекций. Лекции от БРЦ будут проводиться совместно с выпускниками Стипендиальных программ.
Первая тема презентации « Как поступить на магистратуру: как начать подготовку; какие исследования сделать по желаемому университету; как написать мотивационное письмо; как пройти интервью». Язык презентации-английский.
Дата: 27 февраля, 16.00
Место: Фонд “Сорос-Кыргызстан», конференц зал
Регистрация на презентацию по почте miminova@soros.kg
Первый гость: Стипендиат грантовой программы «Магистр Социальной работы» Фондов Открытого Общества – Jenny Ensi Tszie (Jenish kyzy), магистратура в Колумбийском Университете’14-15, г.Нью Йорк.
Jenny Ensi Tszie (Jenish kyzy) — In May, 2014, Jenny graduated with the Master of Science degree from Columbia University School of Social Work (CUSSW), specializing in Social Enterprise Administration. Her professional life focuses on youth empowerment and civil society development.
In 2010, Jenny co-founded a social initiative fund, Unity Fund, with a mission to support victims and their families during the civil uprising in Kyrgyzstan. At present, the fund members are working on various social volunteer projects and peace-building through providing opportunities for cultural learning and communication among youth. 2012-2014 in New York City, Jenny interned in National Aphasia Association, Metropolitan Communication Associates, and Good Shepherd
Services in the Government Contract Department. Moreover, she volunteered in two community organizations to gain a comprehensive understanding and practice of western volunteerism. At present, she is working on her project of «Social Credit Point» system to initiate an innovative volunteering and CSR platform in the local community.
Moreover, in addition to an intensive academic and internship schedule, Jenny has worked two years on CUSSW’s Student Union Executive Board to advocate for the needs of international students and engage in Board decision-making at Columbia. Study and life experience at Columbia University inspires her to advocate for social justice and the needs of the most vulnerable populations.