Within the framework of the «16-day international campaign against gender-based violence» and campaign of the UN Secretary-General «Together we can end violence against women and girls», UN Women in Kyrgyzstan, The Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, Crisis Center «Sezim» and «Internews in Kyrgyzstan» held a competition among the media in Kyrgyzstan «Breaking the silence on violence against women and girls».
The main purpose of the competition was to raise awareness and take action against violence directed at women and girls in Kyrgyzstan.
Within the framework of the competition, articles and stories published during the period from January 1 to December 1, 2017 were considered. In total, more than 100 works were received from 70 authors representing the media of Kyrgyzstan.
The participants of the competition touched upon the actual for today’s Kyrgyzstan issues related to violence against women and children, moral and spiritual development of the modern human and society of Kyrgyzstan.
Competition works received a wide social response and were actively discussed in society and social networks.
On December 8, 2017 within the framework of the 16-day international campaign against gender-based violence, the awarding ceremony was held.
The winners of competition
- TV Broadcast and radio:
- Guliza Suvanova / media-center «Demge Dem», Osh city
- Asan Karagozuev/ IWPR Kyrgyzstan
- Ermek Aktanov / First Radio
- Printed publications / Internet editions:
- Asel Minbaeva/ «Sputnik Kyrgyzstan»
- Kanymgul Elkeeva/ «Ayalzat»
- Bermet Ulanova / «Kaktus Media»
- Honorable prizes:
- Bekjan Toktosunov / social video
- Jamal Nurmambetova / «Asia News»
- Taalaigul Chabdarova / First Radio